The Most Ridiculous Letter I've Written to a Bishop

The Synodal church, not to be confused with the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, has a habit of using ambiguous language that could sometimes have multiple meanings or outcomes. If you have the time, energy, and mental fortitude to…

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Rise Up From the Ashes

We begin Lent with a reminder: remember you are dust, and from dust you shall return. During this penitential season leading up to Easter we are rising up from the ashes. While God forgives our sins, from our hearts…

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Get In Your Smart Car Now

WACO, TEXAS, USA — Sometimes all it takes is a new landscape to come up with fresh song ideas, and that’s exactly what John 3 did. John Connor, also known as John 3, has released a song with a classic…

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“Ricky Chuck and the Yellow Mugen"

WACO, TEXAS, USA — Sometimes all it takes is a new landscape to come up with fresh song ideas, and that’s exactly what John 3 did. John Connor, also known as John 3, has released a song with a rockabilly…

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A Playful Soul

A common phrase I hear repeatedly is, “I can’t wait until we get back to normal.” This can have multiple meanings. In the context I’m referring to has to do with the overall well-being of a person, particularly their body…

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Detaching Yourself from Distractions

Recently I ran into a road block with my songwriting projects. I’m the type of person that has to be in constant motion. I had to confront this incessant need to be working in the recording studio as a means…

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My Discovery of the Latin Rosary

When I entered the Church a little over a decade ago, I was immediately drawn to praying the Rosary. As I began to understand the spiritual benefits the Rosary had to offer, I made it part of my daily routine. 

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A Songwriter's Guide to Making Music

I’ve been writing songs for a couple of decades and it never ceases to amaze me what new and innovative ideas form in my head and how to sculpt them into a full blown song. 

If you’ve never written a…

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A Very Birthday Christmas

I look forward to my birthday every year, just as many people do. But in my case I was born on Christmas Day, which makes that holiday that much more festive to me.

When I was younger I took for…

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The Agape Love of Edward Scissorhands

We are reaching the Christmastide season, which means I am absorbing myself in Christmas movies. As I was watching the classic 90’s movie, Edward Scissorhands, I couldn’t help noticing something Christ-like about it. 

Jesus was born during the winter season…

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