In the Beginning: How I Got Started in Music

I often times use the word journey to describe the way music has affected me for so many years. Doing something for many years has a tendency to stick with you, through thick and thin. Through good times and bad. When you’ve done something for so long that it can become second nature. Perhaps you’ve experienced that at some time in your life. My goodness I can’t believe it’s been over 25 years since my music journey began.

We all have to start somewhere.

Studying piano at the ripe age of five was, well, it was a long time ago, and don’t remember much about it. Usually at that age kids love to just bang on the keys. But those five years of classical piano training definitely planted a seed that wouldn’t come to fruition until college.That’s a long time to wait.

When you’re young it’s typical to listen to whatever your parents listen to in the car. They are your chauffeur at that age. In my case it was classic rock and maybe some ‘80s pop mixed in also. There was one band that had a major impact on me as a pre-adolescent and that was the Beach Boys. And it was the Beach Boys and other influential rock that pointed me to learn the guitar at age 12.

Studying under a great local guitarist was a wonderful opportunity and opened up my eyes and ears to probably the most influential band of my teen years–Guns N’ Roses. The iconic top hat, Les Paul guitar, and signature sounds that Gn’R produced resonated loudly with me. Not to mention playing the guitar loudly along with the CD when the parents had just gone to bed. Sorry mom and dad. 

Something finally clicked.

When you learn a new instrument, or learn any new hobby for that matter, there’s an “aha” moment. That moment when you realize maybe you want to take this hobby more serious. Perhaps more practice and dedication is needed. But then come the distractions...

True to say being a teenager isn’t always easy, but when you’re passionate about something, you fight your way through it, distractions and all.

Sometimes fate is right around the corner.

When I entered college I had no aspirations of studying music even though I was in a classic rock band named Prophet Man, and writing songs even with limited knowledge of songwriting. Stumbling across the college’s music program, more specific the recording program, is when fate opened the doors. It was that college experience that allowed my musicianship to be sculpted into something that would last a lifetime–and would continue to grow as both a pianist and guitarist.

When you find something you love doing, you clasp onto it. You grab hold and don’t want to let it go even when obstacles get in the way...and they will! There will always be obstacles. We all have gifts. We all have talents. Use them. I mean it, use them, so that years down the road you'll be most proud of your accomplishments.

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