Never Give Up On What You Love

guitarI was watching the movie “Forrest Gump” and if you haven’t seen it, I recommend it. It resonates on so many different levels. Sure it has it’s iconic catch phrases such as “life is like a box of chocolates” and “stupid is as stupid does,” but it can teach us something about love.  

What I’m referring to is embracing our talents. If you love what you do you embrace it, and don’t let anything get in the way. 

Well, as we all know sometimes things get in the way. Yes, those dreaded barriers creep up when we least expect it. It has happened on several occasions.

Going back to “Forrest Gump.” Forrest is sitting on a bench waiting for the bus to arrive to see his long time companion, Jenny. As I’m watching the movie I got flashbacks of those times where I almost lost my love of music, similar to Forrest’s love, Jenny, who crept in and out of his life.

Let me start off by saying, I didn’t have these close calls of losing my love of music because there was a lack of musical desire. On the contrary. There were other interests at that time that insinuated to be “more interesting” than music, if you can believe that. 

Casually playing Xbox with my friends soon turned into competitive online gaming, which looked like fun at the time, but there were my instruments begging to be played, while I chose a gaming controller instead. 

For some it could be a person in our life that derails us from our plans, causing our instruments to slowly collect dust. Whatever the cause is, there is an effect. It affects us and we simply have to find a way back.

Was I running from something like Forrest was or was it just a distraction? I don't know. Maybe that’ll be a follow-up in a future blog, but one thing is for sure, Forrest never gave up on Jenny just like me and other fellow musicians aren’t going to give up on music no matter what. 

I could easily beat myself over the head saying why did I let myself get distracted. It’s so easy to say “what if.” We all have “what ifs” in our life. If’s and but’s don’t get you anywhere. Self-loathing or falling into depression won’t get you anywhere!

I don’t believe Forrest Gump was running away from his problems, rather running to a solution. That’s what I got out of it. I’m running towards my instruments, I’m running toward the next song I write. I’m excited to see how all of this unfolds. It’s exciting. 

Maybe it’s because I’ve got a few birthdays under my belt and I’m more mature. Well ok, you know what I mean. But ultimately we do learn. It may take a few years, but we figure out this and that is a distraction and how to get back on track.

We can learn a thing or two from a man with an IQ of 75. Forrest may not be the smartest man, but he knows what matters to him the most, Jenny. We all have a “Jenny.” Mine is music. Yours may be music or something else. Put the past behind you and run to the future. Never give up on what you love.

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